Field Woodhead would be located land south of the planned Coachford Substation, Keith, AB55 5NY. The built infrastructure (batteries, cables, access tracks etc.) is proposed to cover an area of approximately 6 hectares.
We’ll also provide landscaping to reduce visual impacts and biodiversity enhancements so we are having a positive ecological effect on the land we use.
Field Woodhead will be made up of the following components:
Battery energy storage units, which will be used to store the energy from the grid.
Power conversion systems (including inverters and transformers), which convert energy from alternating current to direct current, so that it can be stored by the batteries.
An on-site substation, which either steps up or steps down the voltage of the energy being stored.
An underground cable connection to connect the battery to the planned Coachford substation.
Site access tracks to allow vehicles (including emergency vehicles) to safely get around the site.
Drainage arrangements to allow surface water to drain from the site at the same rate as the existing fields.
Site security, including CCTV, fencing and lighting.
Landscaping to reduce visual impacts and contribute to biodiversity enhancement.

Working with local communities
Our batteries will provide huge benefits to the UK, and we take great care to make sure this is not to the detriment of the communities that host them.
As a responsible developer and operator, listening to local communities matters to us, as it allows us to understand and respond to local issues, and ultimately build better battery sites.
We engage early with communities throughout the development process, oversee the construction on-site and we’re responsible for the project once it’s in operation. We’re part of communities for the long-term.